Mar 11, 2014

Heading to Final Round

I should have posted about it when it happened, but I managed to win Kansas City Onslaught for the second time in a row last November to automatically qualify for Final Round XVII. This means my badge and all entry fees to any games I want are paid for.

This is a big deal for several reasons: Obviously, I did not go to Final Round last year, relinquishing my prize to Chad "KCs Notorious." I will be taking advantage this year, which will give me another major's worth of experience that I usually don't receive. Second, the qualifying tournament, KO was a significant tournament as it was the previous year. It happens to be the last time I won a like-sized event. Since then I have placed Top 5 in all subsequent events with a respectable 7th at St. Louis' MAM event and a disappointing performance at Frosty Faustings. The fact I haven't done as well since then signifies more than ever how much I need to step up my game for Final Round. Lastly, being a major, Final Round will give me yet another opportunity to gauge myself as a player. I am notorious for getting nervous only for these massive events. It's something that has haunted me, and if I can overcome it, it's another step to becoming a player that doesn't worry about pools and just goes out and wins just by showing up.

After this, I will again be attending Keits' UFGT event this May. Wish me luck. I'll post some USF4 thoughts when I return.

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