Aug 12, 2014

Results - Des Moines USF4 Ranbats 1

This past weekend was the inaugural tournament for the Des Moines USF4 Ranbat that was cooked up by long time community member Charlie "Grog." The purpose of these $1 ranbat tournaments is to build interest while providing the proper forum to level up as an entire community. Match videos can be found on the NEW Des Moines Fighting Games YouTube channel!

Format- RR 2/3 games, Winner of each match gets a point, points are totaled and placement is determined. All ties are settled with another 2/3 game set between the tied players.

First- 5 points
Second -3 points
Third - 2 points
Rest -1 point

Full Results (12 Entrants)

1. NGamer3k (Various)
2. Sondogg (T. Hawk, Boxer)
3. Bobby J (Ibuki)*
4. BlankM*
5. TopHat
5. Grog
7. Jubatuba
8. Kamig
8. Vamperial
10. KDotLo
10. D-Raw
12. SpectrumPig

*- Bobby and Blank tied in points and Bobby won their tie breaking match.

Ranbat Standings W1

1. NGamer3k - 5
2. Sondogg - 3
3. Bobby J- 2

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