Oct 24, 2014

Iowa Ranbat 1.3 Results - Full Standings

I actually forgot about this so it actually took place a few weeks ago. For the sake of quickness, I am simply copy-pasting the facebook post about it from Curtis "TopHat."

With the third ranbat finished we are now halfway through the season. Thanks again everyone who came out and helped make things happen.
The full results from yesterday (since I was too lazy to make a post last time) -
1st. NGamer3k
2nd. Bobby 
3rd. Grog
4th. Blank - Top Hat
6th. Sondogg - Matt - JubaTuba
9th. Mario
10th. Mike
And with that the point rankings are now:
Ngamer3k: 15 Skillion
Bobby J(ay): 8 Skillion
Sondogg: 5 Skillion
JubaTuba: 4 Skillion
Grog: 4 Skillion
Top Hat: 3 Skillion
KdotLo: 2 Skillion
Doller: 2 Skillion
Kamig: 2 Skillion
Spectrum Pig: 2 Skillion
Blank: 2 Skillion
Mario: 2 Skillion
Dibble: 2 Skillion
Vampirella: 1 Skillion
Bo Lo: 1 Skillion
Captain Love: 1 Skillion
JD ThunderHawk: 1 Skillion
JinxU: 1 Skillion
Matt: 1 Skillion
Blake has a commanding lead, Can he ever be caught!? Can Curtis ever place higher than 4th!? And can Iowa survive this new wave of T.Hawks!?
These questions and more will be answered at "Ranbat #4: Ranbat harder"
P.S: The Kumite lives

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