Jun 10, 2008

Graduations: Places of Rowdiness?

I went to my sister's graduation ceremony a few weeks ago, and it was very unenjoyable. It wasn't the uninspired, cliched speech the Ivy League-bound valedictorian gave, or the exhaustingly long wait to hear my sister's name called. I was prepared for these things. I was expecting those. But when every called name is followed by a painfully loud volley of shrieks, whistles, and chants, the ceremony became less a ceremony and more like a rodeo filled with howler monkeys on crack. If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't think I was at a graduation ceremony. What gets into people at these things anyway?

I understand that if you're a parent or close family member, you're excited that your son/daughter/nephew/niece/brother/sister is graduating, but act respectful. Technically, you're not even supposed to clap until all the names have been read. I'll excuse clapping, but yelling and chanting? Unacceptable. I find it very disrespectful to every other student, and above all, it's annoying.

If your going to be rowdy, at least go the whole nine yards and bring a blow-horn, throw confetti, sing a song with the graduate's name in the chorus. Everyone else, just shut up please!

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