Nov 27, 2012

Full Results: Middle of Knowhere II, Cedar Rapids, IA - 10/20/2012

This is a suuuper late update. Middle of Knowhere which was formerly Extravaganza has become an annual event here in Iowa run by Scott "Xiang." This year was very interesting-- complete with a bracket controversy! (See below) I even came away with a new ASUS monitor courtesy of one of the raffles. 

TTT2 (You'll notice that the placements are displaced by one spot. There was a bracket error that I explain at the end.)

1) YJShin (DJ/Hei)
2) Sluch (Zafina/Christie)
3) Mateo (Jack/Feng)
4) The Hammer (Craig/Ganny)
5) Antonio
5) Mr Napkins aka (chi) holli
5) jimmypikachu
8) Tick
8) Sammy
10) JannaKazama
10) NoAmbition
10) Seth Rivers
10) YouHeDad
14) Pitch Black
14) PSC Naranja
14) Esom
14) ProDigital
18) Eric
18) Tizight
18) The Nameless Master
18) Mr Mister
18) Dr Tom
18) Tasty PP Juice
18) marcp20
18) MysticBill
26) FOK
26) Dani
26) Flex Buff Chest
26) MKL
26) Victor Garcia
26) Spam Guy
26) PBJ Mixxa
26) Krispy
34) gamegenie
34) AtomicPif
34) Fuzion
34) Xiang

[NOTE ON THE BRACKET ERROR (From Xiang): So, it was a simple thing that caused the whole mess. Some late entries got there literally at 1 o'clock that took us over the 32-man threshold. Rather than delay the tourny by rewriting the brackets with an additional 32-man bracket, as should have been done, I made a TERRIBLE decision to make a small appendix bracket and realized too late how much that fucked up the whole process. The result was an extra person at 5th place that displaced all other places by one, i.e. tied for 7th because tied for 8th, tied for 9th becomes tied for 10th, and so on.

I took responsibility at the time, I take it now, and I'll never give it away. For those that were disappointed or upset (and rightfully so), I apologize. And, although I know it doesn't make up for the mistake on my part, because there was an additional person at the 5 spot, I paid out to all of top 7.]


1) Mateo (Mitsu)
2) jimmypikachu (Leixei)
3) Fuzion (Pat)
4) Sluch
5) Ken 
5) MKL
7) Mystic
7) Ora
9) gamegenie
9) Esom
9) Xiang

Persona 4

1) Blank Mauser (Mitsuru)
2) B1argh (Naoto)
3) Ether Lord (Kanji)
4) Jeremy Yon
5) Top Hat
5) Figgy
7) Latino Link
7) PSC Naranja
9) D-Raw
9) gamegenie
9) KCs Notorious
9) kDotLo
13) Austin Oltmans

VF (Done in round robin format, so placings will reflect that)

1) Chris Yungbluth
2) Austin Oltmans
3) Flex Buff Chest
4) Murphagator
4) MKL
6) Dr Tom
6) Grog
8) Curtis


1) Evil Joe (Belaul) (Team Japan)
2) Prod1gy (Duo Lon/Yuri/Shen)
3) KC Notorious (Claw Iori/Hwa/Karate)
4) Jeremy Yon
5) Murphagator
5) Top Hat
7) Sniper Elite
7) NGamer
9) Etherlord
9) Latino Link
9) Blank
9) Grog
13) Uli


1) NGamer3k (Sakura, Ryu)
2) Figgy (Honda)
3) Cities (Guile)
4) Grog
5) Sniper Elite
5) Latino Link
7) Uli
7) DGB
9) Monster Blaze
9) Schizm
9) Eric Taylor
9) AtomicPif


1) Dekline (DMC)
2) NG Joker (Task/Vergil/Strider) (Task/Trish/Wesker)
3) Kuares (Dante/Dorm/Raccoon)
4) Belaul
5) KCs Notorious
5) Hogosha
7) Bolo
7) kDotLo
9) NGamer
9) Latino Link
9) Zooz
9) D-Raw
13) GQDang
13) Flex Buff Chest
13) Monster Blaze
13) White Fury
17) Sammy
17) kint
17) Figgy
17) DBG
17) Matt Vanq


1) Esom
2) Flex Buff Chest
3) Kuares
4) MKL
5) Ngamer
5) kDotLo
7) Top Hat
7) Ether Lord
9) Latino Link
9) D-Raw
9) Blank M
9) kint
13) Eric
13) Jeremy Yon
13) PBJ Mixxa
13) GQDang
17) Grog
17) White Fury
17) YouHeDad
17) Figgy
17) NoAmbition
17) Zooz
17) Schizm
17) Sniper Elite

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