Feb 9, 2011

Texts from Jayford- Lucky Bastard's Impressions of MvC3

A week until the official release and some people already have a copy of the game. Several friends of friends of mine have it apparently, and I know all you people are dying to hear any more information as I am.

"Playing mvc3 right now. Raaaape."

"It's pretty good. Sentinel is disappointing. Storm is op. DP does so much damage. Haggar lariat assist is broken."

"Haven't played (Viper) yet, lol. She seems pretty good."

UPDATE: From Facebook, more from Justin B.. I mean Jayford.

MvC 3 Impressions
1.) Storm is top tier and lightning attack is broken.
2.) Sentinel isn't mvc2 Sentinel. He is good, just different :(
3.) Haggar Lariat is god tier.
4.) Chun Li is broken on point and has a broken assist.
5.) Dark Phoenix is super powerful, but I am still having doubts about her being viable in tournament. Her tri jump is a teleport tho o_0
6.) Using X Factor makes you feel like the man.

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